As we have discussed previously in the Blog, it is imperative that a mobile home Buyer get approved by the mobile home park prior to closing on their Sarasota Florida mobile home.
The reason for this is that mobile home parks within the Sarasota Florida area require that all park residents are held to the same standards prior to being approved to move into the mobile home park in their new home.
Mobile Home for Sale in Sebring
This process is called the mobile home park approval process.
Here, the mobile home park will require the would-be applicant to fill out a handful of forms to verify their income, identity, and credit history, and consent be provided so that the mobile home park is able to run a criminal background on the applicant.
While each park has its unique standards and requirements for what an applicant must provide to get park approved the consistent theme is that each Buyer must go through this process so that they can move into the community.
By having a park approval process in place it assures each current resident that the new Buyer of the mobile home in their park is held to the same standards as the previous person who has moved in which creates a uniform expectation for all residents in the mobile home park.
Most parks follow the same guidelines and will check the applicant’s criminal background, credit score, and debt-to-income ratio.
In all of our time working in mobile home parks we, here at The Mobile Home Dealer, have yet to find a park owner or manager who can explain why or what they weigh the most when looking reviewing an applicant file to see if they are approved to become a resident or not.
Along with these forms most Sarasota Florida, mobile home parks will require the Buyer of the mobile home to provide a copy of their state-issued photo identification as well as to pay a small fee that will cover the cost of the criminal background report.
These office fees vary but it is reasonable to expect to pay around $50 per park applicant.
Most mobile home park approvals take anywhere between 3-5 business days to complete, but, in some instances, we at The Mobile Home Dealer have seen these park approvals take upwards of 2-3 WEEKS!
Crazy, right?
We agree!
Some of the delays are explainable and some are not, our goal in this post is to discuss what can be controlled by the Buyer so that they have the best shot at getting their application in and approved within just a few days.
Step 1:
Make sure you as the Buyer of the mobile home have all of the documents ready and filled out entirely. If the park requests pay stubs or some other type of income verification make sure you have these documents on hand and are ready to get them turned in with your application, failure to provide the documentation of your income will be a sure way to delay the approval process.
Step 2:
Make sure you have the exact application fee for all applicants ready and know how the park will be able to process this payment. Most mobile home parks around the Sarasota Florida area only accept checks or money orders and not credit cards or cash.
Step 3:
Make sure all of your written documentation is easily readable. If the application is not legible then expect the park manager to ask you to repeat the process which could add several days to an already lengthy process.
Mobile home in Florida
Having all of your documentation ready along with your fee payment and legible documents in hand will help speed up the process quite a bit when looking to gain approval to become a resident of a Sarasota Florida mobile home park.
While there can be additional delays that are out of your control it is always suggested to make sure you have your work done and ready so that the process can go as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Most mobile home parks have a standard process where they will check the applicant’s credit, criminal background, and reported income to lot rent ratios in order to make sure the applicant can afford to pay the monthly lot rent due to the mobile home park each month.
While no park manager or owner has ever been able to coherently explain how they weigh each of the above three criteria we do know that most mobile home parks will take a look at everything as a whole in order to get the best picture of who the applicant(s) are in order to make the best decision possible for park approval.
Most mobile home parks within the Sarasota Florida area will want to see around 2-3 times the reported income to lot rent amount. This can come in the form of retirement, income, savings, or other investments the applicant has. It is also important to note that this is all added together for both applicants who are on the application. Expect to have to provide written documentation for all income sources that are added together for your total monthly income.
Regarding the credit score and the criminal background check most parks will do standard credit pulls and federal criminal background checks, and expect to have to pay a fee to the park for the processing of these two reports.
Lastly, expect to have to provide photocopies of your identification card(s) as well as pay a small fee to cover the entire process for both applicants.
This is Mark Kaiser with The Mobile Home Dealer and we help mobile home Buyers and Sellers get to a better place in life.
See Also:
- 3 Reasons Why Buying A Sarasota Florida Mobile Home Virtually Is A Good Idea
- 3 Questions A Sarasota Mobile Home Buyer Should Ask About Their Lot Rent!
- Why Increasing Your Sarasota Mobile Home Price Brings Down Available Buyers!
- How To Sell Your Sarasota Mobile Home For Less To Make More!
- How Is Back Lot Rent Paid On A Sarasota Mobile Home?