When Is The Best Time To Sell Your Sarasota Mobile Home? With all the focus on the high real estate market everywhere throughout the country, one must think, when is the best time to sell your mobile home on leased land?
Is there a better or worse time of year to sell your mobile home when your home is located within a mobile home park?
Should you wait and sell the home until all the other homes in the community are sold, so that you are the only one for sale in that exact mobile home park?
Will selling your mobile home during the time of year when more snowbirds are in the area be a better time to sell your property for more money?
These are all questions we help educate Sellers on a daily basis here at The Mobile Home Dealer.
In our experience, mobile homes on leased land throughout the Gulf Coast of Florida will sell year round, no matter what the real estate market is doing, who is in town visiting or how many homes are being sold in your particular park.
What we have found is that when you sell a mobile home on leased land it needs to be priced correctly and marketed the right way for it to sell fast.
Many times we see the Sellers try and sell their mobile home during the months of December through March believing that there are more snowbirds in the area which will lead to them getting a better shot at selling their mobile home for a higher price.
Although I can certainly applaud this effort and strategy, I am here to tell you that I believe that is not exactly the best way to do this.
The reason being is that mobile homes located on leased land will sell year round so why put all the stress on yourself by only trying to sell your home for a few months during the year?
You see the vast majority of homes that we at The Mobile Home Dealer sell are to out-of-state buyers, through our online resources. By leveraging the power of the online marketplace we are able to get more eyes on your home in a very short period of time regardless of what time of year it is!
Most Buyers who are looking to only sell their home during the winter months are usually waiting and hoping for someone to drive by, see their sign, make an offer that they will accept and then hopefully be able to close the sale. Although I see what they are thinking and I can appreciate that, the Seller is not really getting any real exposure for their property.
Remember, like we said before, the more exposure you get to your home, the more offers you will get, regardless of what time of the year it is.
If you have additional homes in your community that are for sale do not let this be a deterrent for your home sale time frame regardless of what the homes in your park are currently priced at.
Buyer’s buy mobile homes 12 months a year so if you are looking to sell your home at a particular time of the year or there are others in the community for sale, do not feel like this should hold you away from actually selling the property that you are ready to part with!
Mobile home on leased land
Deciding whether or not to put your mobile home for sale depends on several factors. In the first place, it is important to analyze in what situation is the sector; That is, if it is an optimal moment objectively speaking or if on the contrary, it is better to wait to see how the market evolves.
Regardless of the above, each owner must carefully analyze what their economic and vital needs are. However, as we have said, it is a good time to put a mobile home for sale.
As we have mentioned many times, the sales prices of mobile homes will continue to rise. Of course, within the limits considered normal, so, for now, experts discard a real estate bubble.
We can all agree that the pandemic has significantly influenced our lives. Nobody could have imagined that 2020 would end with hundreds of thousands of lives lost; that 2021 would usher in a new way of life, and that we would still be living in perpetual terror. Life is full of unknowns. Before, we predicted that the pandemic would cease in 2021. However, no one foresaw the emergence of additional COVID variations and multiple outbreaks. People say that there will always be new variants; that it is like a never-ending marathon with no conclusion in sight.
Nothing and no one is exempted from the pandemic. It spares no profession, industry, or way of life. Our lives have changed considerably in the last year; resulting in previously inconceivable behaviors and activities. We never imagined being trapped in our own homes; wearing face masks and face shields every time we went out or having all our meals delivered straight to our door instead of eating out. We cannot imagine these ridiculous situations becoming the “new normal.
Even so, the pandemic has made buyers more willing to pay more money for the mobile homes they like, both second-hand mobile homes and new manufactured homes, so owners can also ask for more for them
The main reason why it is a good time to sell a home is that there is a great shortage of offers. To this, we must add that potential buyers are more willing to invest in a mobile home that interests them, always, as we say, within limits that are considered normal.
The Mobile Home Dealer are licensed mobile home broker in Sarasota Florida and the surrounding areas. We provide professional buy and/or sell assistance to our clients. If you have any questions, please contact us by clicking this link. You may also visit our Facebook Page and send us a message.
This is Mark Kaiser with The Mobile Home Dealer and we help mobile home Buyers and Sellers get to a better place in life.
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