Before we secure the mobile home for sale we first have to make sure that we have an accepted offer!
But, how is that done?!
We, here at The Mobile Home Dealer, follow a straightforward process that we have found to be as fair as possible for both the Buyer and Seller of the mobile home that is for sale.
The first step we have to have done is a written offer. While we certainly can appreciate the excitement that a verbal offer provides when a Buyer takes a look at one of the mobile homes that we have under the listing contract, we cannot accept this. The reason for not accepting a verbal offer is that we want to always make sure there is a written record of exactly what was offered for the home, what was counter-offered, and what was finally agreed upon for the sale price of the mobile home.
Having a written record of the entire transaction will help everyone involved see exactly how the purchase has progressed from the initial offer to the closing.
After a written offer is made, for which we usually take all written offers via email, we then provide the written offer to the Seller to see if they want to accept the offer, counter offer or dismiss the offer as a whole.
If the Seller decides to dismiss the written offer made by the Buyer then the offer process is over.
If the Seller decides to counteroffer the Buyer then we will go back to the Buyer and let them know what the Seller requested to see if they want to accept, decline, or continue to counteroffer the Seller.
Florida mobile home
If the Seller accepts the written offer from the Buyer then we will notify the Buyer that they will then need to go forward and begin the process of getting the park approved within 24 hours of the accepted offer.
Once we have an accepted offer we will then have to wait to get the Buyer approved by the park before they are able to move forward with giving the deposit for the home.
The reason for this wait is that we, at The Mobile Home Dealer, are licensed bonded, and insured mobile home brokers with the state of Florida and we are not allowed to sell a mobile home to someone who is not park-approved.
If we have an accepted offer and the Buyer is not approved then we can not sell them the home.
If someone else comes forward and makes a written offer that is accepted and they have their park approval letter before the first Buyer is park approved then the second Buyer will be able to buy the home.
The speed at which a Buyer makes a written offer gets it accepted and then gets approved by the park is of utmost importance because, at any time, there may be another Buyer that comes forward who is already park-approved and able to buy right away.
Selling a mobile home can be complicated for many, especially those who don’t have proper knowledge of how to do it right. Doing it wrong could only complicate and lengthen the process.
Selling your mobile home can be easy and quick if you’ll follow the essentials needed before selling it. Fix up all maintenance issues, consult professionals who know more about selling your mobile home, price your home at an acceptable rate, and plan everything before you post it for sale. Participating in online auctions, selling via a real estate broker, or advertising your mobile home online and offline are great ways to sell it fast.
So many times we see sellers not know how to market their home correctly and, as such, are stuck holding on to their property longer than anticipated. Or, worse yet, they take a lower offer on their home than what they could have gotten simply because they are taking the first and, oftentimes, the only offer that comes in the door. The less marketing that is done the fewer offers will present themselves.
Any time of year is a great time to look for and sell a mobile home in and around the greater Sarasota Florida area.
The reason for this is that folks are looking to move down to Florida all the time and are actively looking to purchase a safe, clean, and affordable home. This Buyer is not normally looking to buy only one or two times a year but, rather, year-round.
The key to getting your mobile home sold all year round is to have the home priced correctly and marketed like crazy. Putting a For Sale sign in the front yard may get some calls but rarely will it provide a qualified Buyer.
Sun Shine RV Resort
Most snowbirds are looking for fun and are weighing their options between the current home they are renting and actually moving forward with the purchase of their own mobile home.
With this understanding, we at The Mobile Home Dealer, feel that selling your mobile home any time of the year is the best time and not to hold out and gamble on a snowbird buying your mobile home right when they arrive or right before they look to leave.
Deciding whether or not to put your mobile home for sale depends on several factors. In the first place, it is important to analyze in what situation is the sector; That is, if it is an optimal moment objectively speaking or if on the contrary, it is better to wait to see how the market evolves.
Regardless of the above, each owner must carefully analyze what their economic and vital needs are. However, as we have said, it is a good time to put a mobile home for sale.
As we have mentioned many times, the sales prices of mobile homes will continue to rise. Of course, within the limits considered normal, so, for now, experts discard a real estate bubble.
This is Mark Kaiser with The Mobile Home Dealer and we help mobile home Buyers and Sellers get to a better place in life.
See Also:
- Your Offer Was Accepted But You Can’t Buy Your Sarasota Mobile Home?!
- Should You Sell Your Sarasota Mobile Home Now Or Wait?
- Should You Sell Your Sarasota Mobile Home In “As Is” Condition?
- How To Budget For Your Sarasota Mobile Home With Rising Lot Rent?
- Buying More Than One Sarasota Mobile Home In The Same Park? Read This First!