Homeowners face an uphill battle keeping pests off their property. According to the National Pest Management Association, bugs, rodents, and unwanted creatures of all kinds can wreak havoc in the home. Just consider these statistics:
– Termites cause over $5 billion in property damage every year.
– 6% of pest control professionals have battled a bed bug infestation in the past year.
– As many as 30% of all homes have had a rodent problem at some point.
Do pest treatments for mobile homes include termite inspections all the time?
This is a question we were presented with just last week and we feel it would be a good idea to review this for all Sarasota mobile home Buyers.
We had a Buyer who purchased a mobile home from a Seller, who kept up on their pest treatments every quarter of the year, for the entire ownership time of their home.
Before we go any further, for all of you non-Floridians watching, let me point out for a moment that when you have a mobile home in Florida, it is imperative to keep up with unrequired pest treatments each and every quarter that you own the home.
The reason why is that much of a mobile home is built on, and manufactured with, wood.
From the floor support beams to the plywood floors, which are both prime location for termite attacks, this is how what mobile home is built on.
Add to the fact that we here in the Sarasota area experience quite a few hot months followed by several very wet months with tons of rain and we are in a perfect location for severe termite damage if the home has not been treated on a regular basis.
If termite damage becomes severe enough, then a mobile home may have to go through the tinting process in order to deeply clean it, if you will, the home, for termites and termite damage.
As mentioned in a previous video blog here on the site, a tinting service can be so serious that the entire home needs to have all food, pets, and people, removed for several days in order for the entire process to be completed.
Mobile home interior
Add to all of this headache, is the cost of the tinting, which can run well over $2,000 for a double-wide mobile home tint job, from front to back. Many full tint jobs will need to be done not only on the home itself, but also on the carport, the support beams, and all storage areas both attached to the home and in the backyard.
It is a really serious process when it comes to termite application through the tinting process!
All of this may be avoided if the quarterly pest service includes termite treatment.
What we have learned is that when hiring a pest spraying service, make sure that the service professional goes forward and actually does the termite treatment each and every time they come to your house. This will cost more, but it can save you thousands and thousands of dollars in the future if it is not done. Not only that but also the headache.
Regarding the Buyer that we spoke of earlier, we wound up finding that the Seller did not do the treatment on the last spraying and that was all. Lucky for the Buyer, it was only a one-time deal. The Buyer was able to rectify the situation and get the home re-sprayed before any serious issues occurred with those pesky little termites!
Hiring a pest control company to treat your mobile on a regular basis is necessary and having a trusted company is highly recommended. If you just moved to your Sarasota Florida mobile home and don’t know any pest control companies here, follow these simple tips on hiring the right pest control company.
Get a written quote. If you find the company online call or email them for a quote. Estimates vary per company. Some companies lure customers by presenting a low estimate initially and then excessively charging them once they are done with the service. It is always important to get a written quote.
Ask for a Guarantee. Pests like termites can always come back, but it’s not as likely if they were properly treated in the first place. When hiring a pest control company, be sure that they implement preventive measures to keep pests from destroying your property. A guarantee or assurance must be given to you by the company if pests are not fully eliminated or when you are not pleased with the outcome.
How long they have been in the pest control business? When it comes to pest control, experience is very important. Research & find out how long the company has been in the pest control industry. Consider working with a local company, since they have local pest expertise and experience. A company with a proven reputation is easier to trust and there is an assurance that if something goes wrong they can handle it right away. They should be able to answer all your questions.
The Winds Of Saint Armands mobile home
Determine if their pest control treatments are safe. The majority of new pest control products are formulated to kill pests while being safe for humans and pets. Clarify how safe the products they are using especially when you have children or pets at home. A licensed pest control professional will be able to justify why their treatments are safe, inform you of the things to do before & after pest control treatment, and ensure you that everything will be safe.
Check for their reviews to see what their clients have to say about them. Credible pest control providers will provide truthful reports on their blogs and customer reviews. Websites like Yelp, Facebook, and Google present truthful opinions & feedback from previous clients, and you can assess if they are the right pest control company for you.
This is Mark Kaiser with The Mobile Home Dealer and we help mobile home Buyers and Sellers get to a better place in life.
See Also:
- Does Past Due Lot Rent Need To Be Paid On A Sarasota Mobile Home?
- What Is My Sarasota Mobile Home Worth? Volume 3
- What Is My Sarasota Mobile Home Worth? Episode #2
- What Is My Sarasota Mobile Home Worth? Episode #1
- How To Get Your Sarasota Mobile Home Ready For Sale?